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The table below provides basic information concerning the organization, legal structure and funding scheme of each member or associate member of the WWACG. The content of this table is updated by each coordination or schedules facilitation organization concerned under its exclusive responsibility.
The table can be downloaded in a spreasheet or printed (see at the bottom).

CountryCoordinationEmailOrganisationfundingscomputer system
France (FR)COHOR, Airport coordination, Franceoffice@cohor.orgNon-Profit association of 10 carriers (Aigle Azur, Air Caraibes, Air France, Hop, Air Corsica, Corsair, ASL Airlines France, Openskies, Transavia, XL Airways), the French Board of Airlines Representatives and 3 airport managing bodies (Aéroports de Paris, Aéroport de Lyon, Aéroport de Nice) and UAF (Union des Aéroports Français). Each member has one single vote. The Managing Director (and at the same time Head of Coordination) is specifically appointed to perform airport coordination and slot monitoring duties with his team, independently from the Board.The costs are mainly covered by airport coordination or schedule facilitation service fees equally paid per landing by all airlines or aircraft operators operating on any airport being coordinated or schedules facilitated by COHOR in France. Airports collect the coordination or facilitation service fees on behalf of COHOR with the airlines and aircraft operators. Specific arrangements are made for airports coordinated or facilitated for exceptional circumstances (refer to COHOR's Website). COHOR's budget for fiscal year 01 APR 2017-31 MAR 2018: 1.73M€SLOTIX - The Slot Coordination tool was designed by COHOR and developed by a software company, Cambridge On Line. COHOR owns the IPR of the software. SLOTIX is available to interested coordinators or facilitators. COHOR also developed jointly with the German Coordination an on-line coordination software : This free of charge web interface can be used by airlines for coordination but also for General and Business Aviation slot requests mainly via Ground Handling agents at French coordinated airports or directly by authorized operators. Via airlines can manage their slot portfolios on several airports around the world. is now managed by an association of coordinators : IACS (International Airport Coordination Support) based in Belgium. All coordinators or facilitators using a coordination software with interfacing capabilities using IATA XML webservices can be connected to
Austria (AT)SCA Schedule Coordination Austria GmbHoffice@slots-austria.comSchedule Coordination Austria GmbH is owned by the Austrian air carriers and airports.SCA partially funded by the Scheduled Coordinations Service Fee and by the airports in AustriaSCORE
Germany (DE)FLUKO-Flughafenkoordination Deutschland GmbHsecretary@fluko.orgORGANISATION/OWNERSHIP/MEMBERSHIP AND LEGAL STATUS Fluko Flughafenkoordination Deutschland (“Fluko”) is a private legal entity (“GmbH”) which is wholly-owned by the Federal Republic of Germany and is subject to legal supervision by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure. Fluko is responsible for the coordination and schedule facilitation of all inbound and outbound flights according to Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) operating to 16 international airports in Germany. In accordance with EU Regulation No 95/93 (EU Slot Regulation), and as part of public administration, Fluko performs its tasks in an independent, neutral, non-discriminatory and transparent manner.The annual costs and expenses for the exercise of Fluko´s functions are covered proportionally both, by German aircraft operators and coordinated and schedule-facilitated German airports. Each year the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure determines the cost unit rate per slot which Fluko charges to the users based on the amount of the coordinated slots.Fluko is using SAMS (Slot Allocation and Monitoring System), which has gone operational in 2002. The system was developed and is run by the German IT company T-Systems. SAMS includes a sophisticated online coordination tool since 2005.
United Kingdom (GB)ACL, Airport Coordination Limited, UKinfo@acl-uk.orgACL is a Company owned by 8 UK airlines that are bound together by a Participation Agreement contract) between them. Its status is “Limited by Guarantee” i.e. it is a non-profit making organisation but it is not a charity. The liability of its members is limited. ACL is funding jointly by airports and airlines with additional income coming from its commercial activities.SCORE
Netherlands (NL)ACNL, Airport Coordination Netherlandsinfo@slotcoordination.nlACNL is an independent governing body by public law. In the Dutch “Wet Luchtvaart” (Law on Aviation) ACNL is designated as the independent coordinator for slot coordinated airports in the Netherlands. The Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management is the supervisory authority as regards financial and management matters, but as European rules (EEC Regulation 95/93) stipulate that the coordinator should be independent, the Minister does not have any influence on the process of slot allocation. ACNL is financed by a slotfee that level 3 airports (50%) and all carriers using slots at level 3 airports (50%) have to pay per movement. For the period 1 April 2020-1 April 2021 the slotfee is set at €1,58 per movement. The slotfee that air carriers have to pay is invoiced by the airports. SAMS
Ireland (IE)ACL International, IrelandEdmond.Rose@acl-uk.orgACL International is a division of Airport Coordination Limited, focused on providing coordination services outside of the UK, as well as slot trading, data sales & analysis, and consultancy & training services worldwide. ACL International coordinates airports in Dubai, Ireland, Poland and Canada.Dubai (DXB and DWC) coordination is undertaken on behalf of Dubai Airports. Dublin (DUB) coordination is on appointment by the Irish Commission for Aviation Regulation following an open tender process. The costs of coordination are paid 50% by the airport and 50% by Irish air carriers. Warsaw Chopin (WAW) coordination is on appointment by the President of Civil Aviation in Poland following an open tender process. The costs of coordination are paid 50% by the airport and 50% by all air carriers operating at WAW. Toronto City Airport is coordinated on behalf of the Toronto Port Authority.SCORE
Spain (ES)AECFAimonasterio@aecfa.esAECFA (Asociación Española para la Coordinación y Facilitación de Franjas Horarias) is a private and non-profit Spanish association, which members are one airport managing body (Aena S.A.) and fourteen air carriers (Air Europa, Air Nostrum, Binter Canarias, Canarias Airlines, Condor Flugdienst, easyJet Airline, Iberia LAE, Iberia Express, Ltd., Ryanair Ltd., Swiftair, Thomas Cook Airlines UK, Thomson Airways and Vueling Airlines). Both categories of members (airport managing bodies and air carriers) are represented under a regime of voting parity in the governing bodies of the association (the General Meeting or Assembly and the Management Board). AECFA is a single Slot Coordinator and Schedules Facilitator and performs its functions in the whole territory of the Spanish State through the Director of Coordination, who has been also appointed by the Ministry of Development, at the proposal of AECFA and after submission of a report of the Directorate General of Civil Aviation.The provision of the slot coordination and schedules facilitation services by AECFA, in virtue of its appointment as the Slot Coordinator and Schedules Facilitator for the Spanish airports, are remunerated through the payment of a public economic charge (public economic charge for the allocation of slots) by the airport managing bodies and the aircraft operators. The definition and applicable conditions of this public economic charge are established in Royal Decree-law 1/2014 (Third Article). This Royal Decree-law states that the airport managing bodies of the Spanish airports designated as Coordinated and Schedules Facilitated and the aircrafts operators with slots allocated or schedules facilitated at such airports are obliged to pay this charge. The amount of this public economic charge for the allocation of slots is 0,45€ per slot allocated and 0,23€ per schedule facilitated, to be paid by both the airport managing body and the aircraft operator. AECFA may also obtain additional incomes with the exercise of ancillary activities, providing that such ancillary activities do not come into conflict with the exercise of its principal function and that the incomes are intended to finance the costs of the slot coordination and schedules facilitation services.To provide the services for which it is responsible, AECFA uses a software called GESLOT. This slot coordination system is linked to the operational systems at the airports, supplying information about the slot allocated and schedule facilitated for each flight and receiving back the operational data of these flights for their further analysis.
Belgium (BE)BELGIUM SLOT CO-ORDINATION vzw (BSC)bruacxh@brucoord.orgNon Profit organisation. Members of the board: - Airlines (4): TNT (President), Brussels Airlines, Thomas Cook, Jetair fly, - The Brussels Airport Company (3) slot fee 1,95€ / mvt SAMS
Portugal (PT)NAV Portugal, E.P.Ealexandra.joaquim@nav.ptOur mission, in accordance with the EU regulation 95/93 18th of January as amended by 793/2004 21st of April, is to provide a professional, neutral, transparent, non-discriminatory service to the aviation industry and thereby to optimize the use of capacity in congested Portuguese Airports.The provision of the slot allocation service shall be subject to a slot allocation fee(*), payable to the coordinating entity by the air operators who use coordinated airports and by the airport management entities of these airports. (*) The new slot charge for 2022 is 1,32€ per operated slot and will be applied to all Portuguese Coordinated airports; The slot fee will be revised on an annual basis, on the 1st of April.SCORE
Italy (IT)ASSOCLEARANCEsegreteria@assoclearance.itPublic person - Non Profit Association among carriers & Airports (see web website for details)50% of cost is beared by carriers operating on the Italian coordinated and schedule facilitated airports and 50% by the Italian coordinated and schedule facilitated airports, according to paragraph 689 of art. 1 of the Law no. 160 approved on 27th December 2019 andMinistry of Sustainable Infrastructures and Mobility n. 68 issued on 23rd March 2021.SCORE / CTRSLOT
Switzerland (CH)SCS, Slot Coordination Switzerlandinfo@slotcoordination.chSCS is an independent non-profit organisation (association constituted under Swiss federal act). Members of the board are: Airport Geneva, Zurich Airport, EasyJet Switzerland, Edelweiss Air, Swiss Intl. Air Lines, as observer the Federal Office of Civil AviationSlot Service Fee for each IFR flight operated. 50% paid by Swiss airports, 50% by airlines/operators. At Geneva GA/BA flights are excluded from Slot Service Fee as coordination of such flights is done by Geneva airport itself.SCORE
Hungary (HU)HungaroControl Pte.Ltd.Co.budcoord@hungarocontrol.huAirport Coordination is a department of HungaroControl Pte. Ltd. Co., which is the Hungarian Air Navigation Services Provider. The Hungarian Act XCVII of 1995 on Aviation appoints HungaroControl to perform the tasks of airport coordination and schedules facilitation.HungaroControl’s activity is financed through collecting air navigation charges. No revenue is derived directly from the coordination/facilitation services provided, as presently charges have to be paid neither by the airlines operating to Hungary, nor by Budapest Airport Plc. SAMS
Sweden (SE)ACS, Airport Coordination Swedenanders@acsslot.seACS is a non profit organization in accordance with Swedish law. The ownership of the company is shared between airports and airlines, with 50% each.ACS funding comes from the airport (50%) and the slot fee (50%). The slot fee is received from operators who operate at the level 3 airports in Sweden; Stockholm Arlanda (ARN), Bromma Stockholm(BMA) and Göteborg Landvetter(GOT). SCORE
Bulgaria (BG)SOFIA AIRPORT SLOT COORDINATION DPTslot.coordination@sof-connect.comOwned by SOF Connect ADFunded by state charges In-House software
Cyprus (CY)Cyprus Schedules Schedules Facilitator is appointed, as a natural person, by the Council of Ministers of the Government of CyprusFunding is shared between the Government of Cyprus, the airports' operator and the Cyprus-registered/based air carriers.SCORE
Czech Republic (CZ)SLOT COORDINATION CZECH REPUBLICmichal.simacek@prg.aeroSlot Coordination Prague is a Professional Association of Legal Entities. Members are: Airport Prague, Czech Airlines, Travel ServiceCo-Financed by Airport Prague, Czech Airlines, Travel ServiceSCORE
Denmark (DK)ACD - Airport Coordination Denmark A/Sacd@airportcoordination.comACD - Airport Coordination Denmark A/S - owned by Copenhagen Airports with 50% & Airlines with 50%. Non profit company. Valid for CPH: Basic Slot Coordination plus aditionel Go-Parking: Both amounts shared 50/50 between CPH Airport and Operators. The payment from operators will be collected by CPH Airport - on behalf of ACD. Valid for all other Danish Airports Coordination and/or Datacollecting paid by the individual Airport.Score
Finland (FI)AIRPORT COORDINATION FINLANDkatriina.ahlroth@slotcoord.comMember can be :The operator of Helsinki-Vantaa Airport; an airline in possession of a Finnish Air Operator’s Certificate and Operating Licence operating scheduled or programmed charter services to/from Helsinki-Vantaa airport. An airline in possession of a foreign Air Operator’s Certificate and Operating Licence operating domestic scheduled or programmed charter services to/from Helsinki- Vantaa airport.The costs accrued from daily activities will be borne by the members as follows: Ilmailulaitos - Finavia 45 %, and the airlines together 55 % so that the maximum cost share of any single member must be below 49 % and minimum 3 %. The costs of airlines are based on the number of passenger carried by the member airline previous year. Funding in the year 2008:Finavia 45 %, Finnair Oyj 43 %, Blue1Oy 9 %, Finncomm Airlines 3 % and Air Finland 3 % of the total costs.SCORE
Greece (GR)Hellenic Slot Coordination Authoritychairman@hsca.grHSCA is an independent organization which performs slot allocation according the IATA WSG and EEC Regulation 95/93 as amended by Regulation 793/2004.SCORE
Malta (MT)SCHEDULE COORDINATION MALTAmartin.dalmas@maltairport.comMalta International Airport Plc.Funded by Malta International AirportIn-House software + SMART
Iceland (IS)Coordinated by ACD A/Sacd@airportcoordination.comServed by ACD-DenmarkServed by ACD-DenmarkScore
Norway (NO)ACN, Airport Coordination Norway ASfred.andreas.wister@osl.noAirport Coordination Norway AS is a registered limited company under Norwegian private law. The stocks are owned 50% by coordinated airports and 50% by Norwegian licensed scheduled air carriers.Y 50%. The Board have representatives from airport operators Avinor and Oslo Airport, as well as the airlines SAS and Norwegian Air Shuttle. Airport Coordination Norway Ltd is a non profit company 50% from Avinor and Oslo Airport and 50% from Norwegian licensed scheduled airlines based on number of slots. SCORE
Morocco (MA)Moroccan Slots Coordinatorsazzioui@moroccanslots.comNon-Profit AssociationSCORE
Turkey (TR)DHMI - Turkish State Airports (General Directorate of State Airports Authority) is a state economic enterprise; which has legal entity and autonomy over its activities and liability limited with its capital. DHMI is associated with the 'Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs & Communication' and subject of its activities are; management of Turkish airports, regulation and control of Turkish airspace as well as coordination of airport slots of Turkish Airports. No revenue derived from coordination/facilitation servicesSCORE
Australia (AU)Airport Coordination Coordination Company. Appointed by Minister of Infrastructure for runway coordination at Sydney. All Apron and Terminal coordination at Australian airports are by arrangement with the Airport owners. ACA is a shareholding company. Shareholders are: Qantas 40%, Virgin Blue 35%, RAAA 15%, SACL 10%ACA funding is by an administration fee for all slots allocated at Sydney to Australian airlines. There is no charge to Foreign Airlines.Gatwick Software Logistic's slot allocation programme
Canada (CA)AÉROPORTS DE MONTREALcharles.aube@admtl.comAéroports de MontrealAscent Capacity Analyser (stands, gates) PDC Score
Canada (CA)Vancouver Airport CoordinationVivian_Chan@yvr.caVancouver Airport AuthorityVancouver Airport AuthoritySCORE
Canada (CA)Greater Toronto Airports$1.15 CAD per slotSCORE
Brazil (BR)ANAC - Agência Nacional de Aviação
Cambodia (KH)State Secretariat of Civil Aviation Cambodia
China (PRC) (CN)ATM Bureau of CAAC
Chinese Taipei (TW)Airport Coordination coordination Taipei (ACT) is an independent non-profit organization placed under Taipei Airlines Association, by commission of Civil Aeronautics Administration of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications.ACT funding comes from Taipei Airlines Association (80%) and Civil Aeronautics Administration (20%)SCORE
Croatia (HR)Split
Ghana (GH)Kotoka International Airport
Hong Kong (SAR) China (HK)HKG Schedule Coordination Kong Schedule Coordination Office Hong Kong Civil Aviation DepartmentSlot Coordination and Reporting System (SCORE)
India (IN)Bengaluru International Airport sachin@bialairport.comSCORE System
India (IN)Mumbai International
India (IN)Delhi International Airport DELjaideep.thakur@gmrgroup.inDelhi International Airport (P) Ltd.Delhi International Airport (P) Ltd.SCORE
India (IN)GMR Hyderabad International Airport
Indonesia (ID)IASM (Indonesia Airport Slot Management)
Israel (IL)Israel Airports Airports AuthoritySCORE - PDC
Japan (JP)JAA Japan Schedule Coordination (JSC)jsc@schedule-coordination.jpJapan Schedule Coordination (JSC) is an independent non-profit organization under the Japan Aeronautic Association (JAA) which is a national foundation established for the purpose of promoting the development of aeronautics and astronautics in Japan and enhancing the cooperation with world aerospace communities.60% of the total funds comes from Japanese home carriers (16 A/L) based on the airline's slot share and the rest of 40% comes from airports (5 A/P) based on airport's slot share.SCORE
South Korea (KR)Korea Airport Schedule Officekaso@slotkorea.krKASO(Korea Airport Schedule Office) is an working group under the Korea Schedule Committee. Members of the committee are from government(1,chief), Airport Operator(2)and Airlines(2)Funded by members of the committee(25% each)FOIS(Flight Operation Information System)
Kuwait (KW)Kuwait International General of Civil Aviation.local made
South Africa (ZA)South Africa, Air Traffic and Navigation
Thailand (TH)Slot Coordination
New Zealand (NZ)ACL
Pakistan (PK)Civil Aviation Authority of Aviation Authority Independent

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