Membership of the WWACG is open to coordinators or schedules facilitators who are responsible for at least an airport in a country, are legally established and officially appointed according to the laws of that country and who are functionally separated from any airline or airport operator.
WWACG Membership and Partners print PRINT
WWACG Membership is subject to the following conditions:

  • Members:
Membership in WWACG is available to natural persons or Entities for the country they are legally established in as coordinators or schedules facilitators according to the laws of that country, who are functionally separated from any airline or airport operator, who are interested in furthering the association's purposes and who have applied for and been accepted into membership in the association.

There are two classes of member in the Association, Individual Member and Joint Member.

"Individual Members" means an Entity or a natural person which is established in one country, meets the membership requirements of the Association and is legally appointed according to the laws of that country as coordinator or schedules facilitator for ALL the schedule facilitated and coordinated airports of that country.

"Joint Members" means a group of Entities or natural persons which are established in one country, meets the membership requirements of the Association and are separately legally appointed according to the laws of that country as schedule facilitator or coordinator of at least one schedule facilitated or coordinated airport located on the territory of that country. Each Joint member appoints only one natural person who is representing the Joint member at the association's Meeting of Members.

Members of the Association pay a Membership fee to cover the Association's costs.

  • Partners:
Worldwide officially appointed coordinators and schedules facilitators who are not Members of the Association are invited to become Partners of the Association and to attend all Meetings of Members without voting rights. They are encouraged to contribute to the discussions in the meetings, to the purpose of the Association and to participate in working groups the Assocaition may set up.

They are requested to pay a voluntary contribution fee.


The contents of this page are copyright WWACG     Last updated = Sunday 15 September 2024 06:08:43